TIF1 - Copy

As a result of a new State law created in 2021, cities, counties, and ports in Washington State may utilize Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to financially support infrastructure improvements (e.g., streets, water and sewer systems, sidewalks, parking facilities, stormwater systems, park or community facilities, and brownfield mitigation) necessary for private development, providing for jobs and additional tax revenue. 

Locally, the  City of Pasco created a TIF to support the Broadmoor Area and the Port of Pasco recently utilized a TIF at the Riemann Industrial Center. In the Stone Creek/Downtown area, a TIF can be an important tool allowing the City to make targeted infrastructure investments to spur economic development that will benefit College Place and the region. 

Final action on the formation of a TIA can only occur by Council with the adoption of an ordinance following the preparation and review of the TIF Project Analysis. A TIA ordinance is anticipated to be presented to Council in May 2023 for consideration.  Documents pertaining to the Proposed College Place Stone Creek/Downtown TIF #1 can be found below in the Document Center. 


- MRSC:  Tax Increment Financing
- Washington State Treasurer: Tax Increment Financing
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Document Center

The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.

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Project Analysis6 documents

  • Final Project Analysis
    document seq 0.00
    Final Project Analysis Submitted to State Treasurer
  • State TIF Legislation
    document seq 0.00
    State TIF Legislation
  • GIS EconomicDevelopment TIFDistrict1.pdf
    document seq 0.00
  • Mojonnier Rd Prelim Design
    document seq 0.00
    Mojonnier Rd Preliminary Design
  • Estimated Engineer Cost of TIF Projects
    document seq 0.00
    Estimated Cost of TIF Projects
  • Proposed East-West Rd Map
    document seq 0.00
    Proposed East West Rd Map

Public Briefings2 documents

  • Public Briefing Powerpoint (4-24-2023)
    document seq 0.00
    Public Briefing Powerpoint
  • Youtube Video of Public Briefing (4-24-2023)
    document seq 0.00
    Youtube Video of Public Briefing (4-24-2023)

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