ADA Transition Plan 2

Please review the draft ADA Transition Plan & Appendixes Here 

Mike Rizzitiello - City Administrator
Ph: (509)-394-8506

Emily Brown - Blue Zones Policy Director
Ph: (509)-676-4321

The City of College Place is committed to providing equal access to its public programs, services, facilities, and activities for all citizens including those with disabilities. To achieve this end, the City is developing an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan for the public right-of-way, buildings, parks, and City services, programs, and activities in compliance with federal and state law.

To satisfy the requirements set forth by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (CFR 28 Part 35), and WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines Manual (Chapter 29), this ADA Transition Plan intends to:

  • Identify physical and communicative barriers in City of College Place's public facilities that limit the accessibility of its programs, services or activities to individuals with disabilities;
  • Describe the methods to be used to make the facilities, programs, services or activities accessible;
  • Provide a schedule for making necessary modifications to provide better access and achieve compliance; and
  • Identify the public officials responsible for implementation of the plan.

How Can You Be Involved?

Have an idea about how to make College Place's public right of way more accessible to people with limited mobility, vision, hearing or cognitive disabilities? Here are ways to let us know!

  • Ongoing Public Involvement - We welcome ongoing public comments and suggestions on our ADA Transition Plan and notification of barriers that you may observe.  You may comment on the Plan or observed barriers by contacting the Project Manager.
  • Contacts regarding the ADA Transition Plan -
    • Emily Brown - Blue Zones Policy Director
The City would especially value input from:

  • Individuals with disabilities;
  • Senior citizens;
  • Individuals that encounter accessibility barriers such as parents/family members/friends of individuals with disabilities;
  • Members of groups that provide services or transportation to individuals with disabilities;
  • Individuals with experience and knowledge of ADA planning and requirements;
  • Interested College Place residents.
Ad-Hoc ADA Advisory Group

The City formed an ad-hoc ADA Advisory Group including local citizens who are members of the disability community or who work closely with persons with disabilities to advise City staff throughout the ADA Transition Plan process. While the formal work of the Advisory Group is complete, the City will continue to include the former members as they are available in the Annual Plan Updates.

The intended goals and responsibilities of the ADA Advisory Group include:

  • Provided advice, identify accessibility barriers and recommend accessibility improvements to new and existing City programs, services and facilities as it relates to Title II of the ADA.
  • Developed relationships with other local organizations serving individuals with disabilities as identified by the ADA.
  • Supported City public engagement efforts for the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan process including review of engagement tools and materials for accessibility.
  • Future support of City staff on ADA Transition Plan implementation and future Plan updates.
  • Supported City public engagement efforts for the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan process including review of engagement tools and materials for accessibility.
Members include: 

  • Ruben Hernandez - Walla Walla County Department of Community Health
  • Nadine Stecklein - College Place Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Board
  • George Bennett - Walla Walla University/College Place Utilities & Transportation Board
  • Stanley Green - Resident
  • Tim Barrett - Walla Walla Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Nancy Riggle - Valley Residential Services
  • Betsy Hadden - Resident
  • Robert McAndrew - College Place Public Works Director
  • Angie Peters - Valley Transit
  • Connie Randall - Resident 
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